Flow Health
Dr. Marc provides custom herbal medicine prescriptions and acupuncture treatments for a variety of conditions. He specializes in working with gastrointestinal disease, metabolic syndrome, and integrative cancer care patients.
He uses classical formulas updated and tailored to suit every individual patient. Techniques learned from Dr.Lee Chen-Yu, a pioneer in modern-day use of East Asian herbal medicine.
Local patients also have access to acupuncture treatments. Dr. Marc specializes in acupuncture needling for sports and musculoskeletal injuries.
Flow Health Clinic is here to provide you with these healthcare tools.
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Marc Wasserman Ph.D. L.Ac. Dipl. O.M.
Inspired by an early interest in Chinese culture, Dr. Wasserman initially entered University of Maryland as a pre-med student. After completing the first two years of requisite courses, he felt an urge to pursue a different approach. Switching to a Chinese language major, he graduated in 2003 and moved to Taiwan where he joined the Yusheng Chinese Medical Clinic, led by Dr. Lee Chen-Yu, a world renown practitioner of TCM and author of over thirty books on its applications.
Under Dr. Lee’s tutelage, he began working in the Chinese herbal pharmacy, filling customized prescriptions, studying the qualities of individual herbs and learning how to make traditional pills, powders and salves—an area of expertise that is rare in today’s world. He soon switched to the acupuncture department followed by training in the diagnostic area, where he made the initial assessment of the patient’s condition and determined a course of treatment. While working at the clinic, Dr. Wasserman also participated in home visits to treat patients too ill to come to the clinic.
Because of his fluency in Chinese, Dr. Wasserman was able to read all the classic and modern texts of TCM, in its original language, as well as many Western medical textbooks used in medical schools today. In 2007, he enrolled at Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a premier university and research center in northeastern China. His research project focused on the treatment of alcoholism with acupuncture and herbal medicine. He also worked with his adviser, Dr. Ren Lu, on the treatment of insomnia with acupuncture. He received his Master’s degree in Acupunture and Tui Na Massage in 2011.
Along with his coursework and research, as well as his ongoing practical experience at the clinic, Dr. Wasserman engaged, with Dr. Lee, in daily analysis of the most complex cases, discussing prescription choices, variations in dosages and coordination with Western medicine. He apprenticed at Tri-Service General Hospital in Neihu working with Dr. Yee-Min Jen, Chief of the Radiation Oncology Department. He also studied with the attending physicians in the department of orthopedics and the department of metabolism and endocrinology, gaining an understanding and appreciation of both western and eastern approaches to patient treatment.
Over the years, Dr. Wasserman accompanied Dr. Lee to international medical conferences making presentations in Italy, China, and many other countries. He assisted in the publication of several books with Dr. Lee and published articles, under his own name, in Chinese medical journals. He also serves as an editor of the Journal of Chinese Medical Acupuncture Science.
In 2011, Dr. Wasserman began his doctoral work at Liaoning University devoting his research to the effects of Chinese herbal medicine on dopamine secretion in the brain. With his adivser Dr.Zheng Hong-Xin and a nuclear medicine research team he completed this groundbreaking study and received his PhD in 2014, becoming the first American of non-Asian heritage to graduate from the program. He holds a visiting professorship at the University.
2003, B.A. University of Maryland in Chinese Language
2011, M.S. Acupuncture and Tuina; Liaoning University, Shenyang, China. Master’s thesis on treatment of alcoholism through TCM
2014, Ph.D Liaoning University, Shenyang, China. Doctoral thesis on effects of Chinese herbal medicine on dopamine secretion in the midbrain.
2004-2014 Yusheng Chinese Medical Clinic, Chinese herbal medicine, Acupuncture, Moxibustion, TCM Bone Setting Techinques
2011 Tri-Service General Hospital, Neihu; Department of Radiation Oncology, Department of Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery, Department of Metabolism and Endocrinology
2014 Shidai Chinese Medical Clinic; Specializing in Weight loss with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Meidicine
Otolaryngology in Chinese Medicine. People’s Medical Publishing, Beijing China. 2012. Translator.
“Western and TCM Treatment Approaches for Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome and Wernicke-Korsakoff’s Disease.” The Journal of Chinese-Western Neurology Medicine (Chinese Languange Edition), March 2009. 188-191
“A Study of Combined Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Approaches to Treatment of Malignant Tumors in Taiwan.” International Symposium on TCM and Integrative Medicine Treatment of Difficult Diseases. Liaoning Province, China. November 2010.
“A Discussion on Future TCM Research of Neurochemical Imbalances.” The Journal of Chinese-Western Neurology Medicine (Chinese Languange Edition), February 2012. 68-72.
“An Introduction to My Approach Concerning the Fusion of Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine in clinical and Basic Research of Cancer.” 6th Annual World Cancer Congress-2013. May 2013.
“Preliminary Discussion on Comprehensive Pattern Treatment of Diabetes Using Integrative Medicine.” World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies Diabetes Symposium. October 2013. (Chinese Language Edition)
“Preliminary Discussion on Comprehensive Pattern Treatment of Diabetes Using Integrative Medicine.” Journal of Chinese Medical Acupuncture Science. Vol.1 No.1, Dec 2013.
Diplomate Chinese Herbology (NCCAOM)®, 2012
Diplomate Acupuncture (NCCAOM)®, 2013
Diplomate Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)®, 2016
Licensed Acupuncturist State of Maryland, 2014
Licensed Acupuncturist State of Virginia, 2015
2016 Member of the Virginia University of Oriental Medicine Advisory Board
2015 Adjunct Professor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine at Virginia University of Oriental Medicine
2014 Visiting Professor at Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
2013 Editor for the Journal of Chinese Medical Acupuncture Science
2012-2014 Wanli Community College, Keelung Taiwan; Lecturer
2014 BIT’s 7th Annual World Cancer Congress, Nanjing China; Presenter in the “Cancer Cell Checkpoint” Stream and the “Cancer Leader’s Summit”
2013 BIT’s 2nd Lung Cancer Summit, Rome Italy; Co-Chairman of “Fundamental Theory and Clinical Approach to Treatment of Cancer by Integrating Western and Chinese Medicine”
2013 Taiwan Chinese and Western Neurology Medical Society; Presenter of “Neurological Pain: Current Research and Treatment”
2012 BIT’s 6th Annual World Cancer Congress, Xian China; Presenter in the “Esophagus and Lung Cancer” Stream
2012 FuJen Catholic University, Taiwan. Presenter for University of Scranton Asian Studies Department